#001 - Feeling Newsletter
⁕ How to make the kind of iced matcha latte that changes your life and makes you a better human
⁕ Summer manicure color palette inspiration that will make you stare at your own nails all day
⁕ That beachside read you've been looking for (surprise, surprise)
⁕ Feeling Design Lab just released 10 new color palette art pieces. They are live now!
⁕ Do you remember the wig cut that started a new era?
What's up with the new look?
In 3rd grade I created something called Kid's Weekly News. I used my parent's computer to masterfully create a clipart-filled newsletter on Microsoft Word, and then I'd bring it to school to share. It was full of polls you could vote on, interesting class headlines, perhaps even a touch of juicy gossip. It had a beautiful, short run.
I hadn't thought about that paper in a long time. Mostly, because like all of us, I hadn't thought about what brought me joy when I was a kid in a long time. The last years, especially, held a lot of hard & heavy stuff. I was a bit more focused on survival than anything else.
This last 365 days I've been working on healing pieces of myself that got smashed up and broken in the heavy stuff. In the brutal and exhausting focus on healing, I remembered my newspaper.
I remembered cutting out magazines and making collages. I remembered my red iPod nano and iDog, Hillary Duff's "Wake Up," and waiting for High School Musical 2 to come out. Webkinz, Littlest Pet Shop, the smell of the Bath & Body Works glitter cherry body spray. And joy in creating. I remembered how my creativity existed before social media direct messages, financial pressure, and grief.
It was purposeful, but effortless. And I felt really inspired by how kids can do that better than adults.
So I decided to take a note from 3rd grade Jenna. Maybe it's time I created something to pass around just for fun again. Maybe I can make something people like to read because it reminds them of their unbridled joy too. Maybe I can be a resource from what I've learned about mental health and share what I know, but like a kid in your class over a carton of chocolate milk.
Welcome to Feeling! Magazine.