I decided to completely reorient my apartment because of design advice from a ‘TikToker’ and after reading this article you may consider doing the same with your living space.
What Is Feng Shui and … How Do I Say That?
Harmony is the sweet sound of various voices coming together, Harmony is the name of a controversial film director who was kicked off Dave Letterman’s talk show, harmony also happens to be the key to achieving a sense of well-being in the holistic (and ancient) practice of Feng Shui (pronounced fŭng shwā or “fung-shway”).
Feng Shui means “wind and water” and it was originally used as a system over 3,000 years ago in China for determining the best locations for the building of new homes and villages which eventually became a more comprehensive set of principles and practices as time went on.
This system was based on the proper flow of energy known as qi (chi). Chi is believed to flow through everything in our environment, including our bodies, our homes, and the natural world around us. A living space that has good chi flow is believed to be balanced, harmonious, and produces positive energy, while a space with blocked or stagnant chi flow can lead to negative energy and affect the well-being of those who inhabit the space.
What Are Some Common Chi Blockers?
I invite you to take a moment and observe your immediate environment. What are the areas of your environment that you often avoid? Do you know why? Some things like a messy pile of clothes or a dead plant could stick out and seem obvious as to why an area seems stagnant. Sometimes, we may not understand why we tend to avoid certain areas of our environment or even realize that we are avoiding them in the first place. The answer can be simple at times, other times it crosses into the supernatural elements of feng shui.
Here are some common ways to reduce negative chi in your space:
Remove trash, trash cans, or any piles from a guest’s line of sight as they enter your home.
Close the lid to your toilet. And while you’re at it, keep your bathroom door closed as well. (This is where bad chi resides and dies)
Face your bed towards the bedroom door (stay on guard for attackers)
Don’t reflect a mirror at the front door (overwhelming chi and ultimately inviting it back out of the home)
Don’t reflect a mirror towards your bed (I’ll let you look that one up)
Next time you enter an unfamiliar space, pay attention to where you are naturally drawn towards and away from and this can be a great way to identify if a space has good or bad chi. Keep in mind that a space with negative chi can be quickly re-oriented to provide a much more positive space.
Making An Ancient Practice Relevant
Feng Shui has become popularized in the West due to globalization and an increased interest in holistic health. More recently, TikTok has harbored a special appreciation for this practice as one man named Cliff Tan came onto the scene with his bubbly personality and energetic method of teaching.
Cliff Tan, who goes by the name ‘dearmodern’ online, has a practice offering a more affordable way to seek the advice of an architect from anywhere in the world virtually. He has become well-known on several platforms due to his mission of providing virtual assistance online to those who ask him for help.
Tan has been demystifying feng shui and sharing practical ways to apply this ancient practice to our modern living spaces through short-form video content. It’s more about the actual building and the flow for Tan, just as it was initially intended over 3,000 years ago.
Bringing Sunshine Inside
In this ancient practice of feng shui, there are many practical ways to improve positive chi in your living space. Here are some tips:
Pay attention to your entryway: Your home's entryway is the first impression visitors get of your space. Make sure it's clean, well-lit, and welcoming.
Clear the clutter: Clutter can block the flow of energy in your home. Get rid of anything you don't need or use, and organize what's left.
Create balance: Balance is key in feng shui. Place furniture in a way that creates a sense of balance and harmony in your space.
Bring nature indoors: Plants and natural elements can help improve the energy in your home. Add a few plants or flowers to your space, or incorporate natural materials like wood or stone.
Use color strategically: Colors can have a powerful impact on your mood and energy. Use colors that promote a sense of calm and balance, such as earth tones, blues, and greens.
Mindful lighting: Lighting can also affect your mood and energy. Use a mix of natural and artificial light sources to create a balanced and inviting atmosphere.
Keep your space fresh: Regularly clean and maintain your home to keep the energy flowing. Open windows to let in the fresh air and use natural cleaning products.
Avoid negative symbols: Some items, such as broken or damaged objects, can bring negative energy into your space. Get rid of anything that feels negative or brings up bad memories.
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